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What is the humane care of landscape design?


What is the humane care of landscape design?

Humane care refers to people of a humane mental attention, care, specifically in the landscape means to create a focus in landscape design on culture.


(1) People need to communicate the emotional place

  "The larger the city, the more people feel lonely," which is a Latin proverb. It profoundly wrote the city's people living in modern life experience. Loneliness is a big fear of creatures, we humans are no exception earthquake science and technology has changed the productive forces, but also to change people's everyday life and leisure time, this type of change, including communication, Internet, telephone replaced the people face to face communication and primitive past correspondences way, science and technology exist to some extent, people mention simple contacts speed, convenient links between people, but it also gives people a feeling of indifference converter. The people as a design community recreation public places rarely focus on the emotional exchange between people parent pregnant.


(2) let people out of self

  A good community can promote people's dealings with each other, can bring people from their living space drawn together, and whether their living space to attract people from going out depends largely on whether the cell is attractive landscape. Therefore, landscape design and spirit of the people desire to resonate in the mood to create, play an important role in people's lives in a residential landscape design should pay attention to human care, in order to allow people to live in a modern fast-paced so nervous repressed in their respective residential landscape lives to get mentally relaxed.

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